4.4" x 2.3" x 0.8"
Wireless Radio
Quad Band GSM capable of Class 10 GPRS/EDGE
320x320 TFT touchscreen
128mb (64 user available)
Intel PXA270
Operating System
Palm OS 5.4.9
157 Grams
Availability Available
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Treo 680 from Palm
Treo 680
by Palm, Inc
Read Review (Rating 4/5) <<
It combines a smarter phone with broadband-like speeds and rich-media capabilities. Connect with people in multiple ways�by voice, email, SMS, or MMS. Your contacts are always reachable, from any application. Access email, the web, and corporate networks on one of the fastest networks available in the U.S.
Or relax and play your favorite music and videos right on your device. With this easy-to-use productivity device in hand, you can stay connected on your terms.
See TreoCentral's extensive review for more infomation...
User Opinions |
60% |
40% |

10 out of 10 |
I miss my treo 680. It was a tragedy when someone steped on it crushing two buttons on the keyboard. Unfotunately I had AT&T. I got horrendous reception, and non-existent customer care, but I really liked the Phone/palm combo. Have the Pre now, and I wish I still had my treo 680. Have Sprint, excellent coverage, and support, but the pre is lacking. I'll
Anonymous |

I have had 7 Treo Pro phones in 6 months. They have all had software problems. Couldn't text, screen frozen, etc. I wouldn't give this phone away to someone for free, never mind purchase another!!! Worthless phone as far as I'm concerned!!!
Anonymous |

Great Improvement on the 650 |
Features I like/need:
1. More Memory
2. Reads bigger SD Card (More apps & data
3. No Antenna to break
4. Better bluetooth
5. Easier to use keyboard/buttons
6. Safer SIM/SD card
Shame about:
1. Battery life (what were they thinking?)
2. Does more memory mean slower response times?
Anonymous |

If your not high tech this is great! |
I went from a Z22 to a Treo 680 and it has been the easiest transition possible. I do agree with other reviewers that the battery is a problem if you don't have the time or remember to recharge daily. Regardless, I love it, and I can't live with out it already.
Anonymous |

Too many dropped calls |
I purchased a phone in Oct ,2007 and it is now Jan. and I am on my third phone. Do not get me wrong the phone is nice when it is not dropping calls or when the screen is not broken. I would not reccommend this phone to anyone
Anonymous |

My AT&T is better than yours, too. |
Oh, and AT&T/Cingular has been great to me! I bought my 680 because out of the blue Cingular offered a 680 to me for $75 by mail.
Anonymous |

My Treo 680 is better than yours |
I've had my treo 680 for almost a year now and love it. I listen to radio on the internet, mp3s on memory cards, hook up speakers or use ear buds, use TomTom navagation, surf the net for weather and news, get to all four of my e-mail accounts. add and take off all kinds of extras like Pocket Express, GoogleMaps, pTunes, well . . . Don't know why these other people are having so much trouble.
Anonymous |

havinga great time with it so far. |
Started with a treo 180 years ago and recently upgraded from the 600 to the 680. The 680 has been hassle free, I am working all over Europe and have used three or four different sim cards and no problems. Battery life is kinda weak but I think an upgrade to a 1600mAh would go a long way and a 2 gig sd card is essential as well. Way better then my blackberry which has such limited apps.
Anonymous |

ATT a worthless provider |
not only did my Treo 680 lock up in less than 9 mos (shut down compleatly, woudn't come on even with a few charge and a new battery)but when I called ATT, they put me through the ringer before they would agree to honor the "1 year warranty. And you guessed it, they replaced my less than a year old defunct 680 with with a refurb! What a rip!this one doesn't hold a charge for 12 hours! As soon as my contract with them is over, I'm going back to my previous provider and get another smartphone from somewhere else
Anonymous |