Thanks to coolgirl, we've become aware of some upcoming updates for the Treo 700wx, Sprint Centro, and the Verizon Treo 755p (see Centro and 755p details here). Some internal training slides have been leaked onto the internet that detail the updates.
The updates will be released sometime this "Spring and Summer," according to the slides. Update 1.24 for the Verizon Treo 700wx will update the OS to Windows Mobile 6 Professional! WooHoo! That's great! However, it's too bad that Sprint isn't getting the update. Also, Palm is going to put Windows Mobile 6 on the device even though Windows Mobile 6.1 is already out.
You can see in the screenshot below what's included:

The update will only be available on Palm's support website at Of course I checked, and the update isn't yet available. ;-)
The update will be Free.

Important Notes:
- Once the update is installed, customers will not be able to revert back to Windows Mobile 5.0.
- Customers should backup data. The update deletes all data, preferences, and add-on applications on the device
- The update is only compatible with the Verizon Treo 700wx. It will not work on the Verizon Treo 700w
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