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Treo 650 shipping from Sprint
If you need a Treo 650 right away, Sprint has begun shipping the Treo 650 to existing Sprint PCS customers. See below for images from readers who received their 650s today.
A TreoCentral staff member had success ordering a 650 from Sprint PCS Accessories at (866) 343-1114, and was promised a delivery date of tomorrow. He this evening received a valid tracking number indicating delivery tomorrow. To receive order updates from Sprint, call (888)253-1315 then choose options 3,3,2 (or read this thread on how to find the tracking numbers yourself)
During the day several of our readers were reporting conflicting order tales.
One reader reports that "He [Sprint sales] mentioned that the Treo 650's just arrived today and are going like hot-cakes! They got 2,500 units in, and 5 minutes ago they are down to less than 800."
Another reader writes that "I just called to correct my shipping address and the lady said that this phone is back ordered and they won't ship for 7 days."
We are not sure if Sprint has sold their initial allocation, and when they have more inbound.
For new Sprint customers, TreoCentral reader Ben wrote us an email stating that "I just called 866-343-1114 and a nice lady named Yolanda just placed my order for the new $650! And she even offered a $150 rebate for signing a new agreement."
The TreoCentral Store, among other vendors that took pre-orders, expects to start shipping around 11/22.
Images courtesy of amb34
