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Pimp My Treo 800w - Tips and Tricks on Palm's Newest Windows Mobile Powerhouse

Thu Aug 14, 2008 - 8:11 AM EDT - By Mike Guccione

Apparently Palm is taking its newest foray into the Windows Mobile field very seriously (as well they should). They've got a contender on their hands here and it seems that they want to make sure that every last ounce of productivity is squeezed out of it. To ensure that this actually happens, Palm sent out an email to resellers loaded with great information. Though this was not designed for consumer's eyes, if you are new to the device (and Windows Mobile-powered Treos) it is definitely worth the read. In addition to the informative email, Palm has stayed with their Self-Paced Learning Guides and launched a very in-depth resource for the 800w.

Still can't get enough reading about the 800w? There is more than enough to keep you occupied right here at the TC forums. As with any new Palm device launch, there is no shortage of information and conversation from fellow Treo users - the forums lit up with the 800w�s release. Here are a couple of key topics:

Home grown tips from

Looking to tweak out the registry on your new 800w? Check out this great thread (with 21 pages of registry-modding goodness, it's not exactly a quick read) that will have you hacking up that shiny device's registry in no time:

Of course, what new device is to be without the traditional "What software works - what software doesn't" thread. So if you are curious if someone has already tried that app (and you're a little leery of being the first to install it) head on over and check out the list for the new 800w:

Since the newer Windows Mobile resolution is pretty much still in its infancy, you may want to check out this thread on 320x320 screen compatibility. A note about modding the native resolution: this is still a work on progress and may be a bit advanced for some, but if you like to live on the edge (don't forget to back up, though), you'll definitely want to read about forum user insol's work on this hack.

And as always, you can keep up with all of the latest comments and progress that TC users are making with Palm's latest smartphone on the Treo 800w forums. Chat it up!

[Palm ChannelSource via Palm InfoCenter]

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