How to listen
- We hope you changed your device's time for DST with a software patch, because if you didn't it will get screwy when the old-style DST time comes around. It's not too late, the Treo patches are here.
- Treos are being released around the world at a heady pace with an agreement in China and releases in Peru, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Chile.
- AT&T is starting to release Treo 680s in color, beginning with the Crimson Treo 680
- There'll be yet another Financial Results call from Palm on March 22nd. Should be interesting given all the buyout rumors they've had to fight ...and sometimes Colligan drops hints about upcoming products.
- Palm hires former Apple designer Paul Mercer
- From a PalmAddicts interview: Hawkins is announcing his mystery device in Late May, released by the end of the year.
- Custom Content on mobile devices: WWE on AT&T and TiVo on Verizon
- A John Dvorak article about how Carriers fear WiFi sends Dieter on a rant.

- Sena Magnetflipper for 750, 680 is our favorite leather flip case for the Treo, it's definitely worth a look if that's your style.
- Sync & Charge Bundle. A great little bundle that you'll find users for beyond your Treo.
- Impatica Showmate for WM Treos. Powerpoint presentations directly from your Treo,
How to use FontSmoother to make your PalmOS Treo look a whole lot better.
- Get the Threaded SMS app here
- Softick Audio Gateway 1.11 with Treo 680 Support out
- New Flexmail Beta
A last note: apologies for the discussion forum downtime last week!
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Read Merciful by Casey Adolfsson