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Mobi Products DoubleTalk

Tue May 22, 2007 - 12:04 PM EDT - By Jimmie Geddes


One of my favorite and most used Treo accessories is my DoubleTalk Charger for Treo 755p, 750, 700p, 700w|wx, 680, and 650. The Mobi Products DoubleTalk is a dual vehicle and travel charger in one compact unit. This is the first dual charger I have seen for a Treo and itÂ’s got a very clever/compact design. On one side of the DoubleTalk youÂ’ll find the vehicle charger adapter, in the middle youÂ’ll see the fold out wall adapter, on the other end youÂ’ll find the cable that plugs into the Treo, thereÂ’s also a LED light on the front of the DoubleTalk.

As you can see the DoubleTalk is completely compact and will take up hardly any room in a glove compartment, or "gadget bag".

The Mobi Products DoubleTalk is compatible with the Treo 755p, 750, 700p, 700w|wx, 680, and 650. If youÂ’ve got a Palm PDA that uses the same charging port as the Treos you can also use the DoubleTalk to charge your PDA.

If youÂ’re like me, youÂ’ve probably purchased a separate vehicle charger and wall charger to make sure your Treo is always charged up. The least amount of cables and chargers I need to carry the better, this is where the DoubleTalk shines. TheyÂ’ve managed to consolidate one of the two most important accessories into one compact device, no need to carry a separate vehicle and wall charger anymore.

Why I bought a DoubleTalk and urge you too as well

I’m usually pretty good with remembering to pack all of my chargers for my various gadgets when going away for the weekend. I remember one particular weekend that I had forgotten my wall charger for my Treo. Sure enough when I got to my destination and unpacked my “gadget bag” I was shocked that my Treo wall charger wasn’t there. Panic set in, how was I going to make it the whole weekend without a charger? I thought maybe I’ll turn the backlight completely off, only make necessary calls, set my email to be pulled manually, not update my site, and completely turn my Treo’s radio off to try and ration the battery life. How could I enjoy my weekend like this?? I can’t, and I wouldn’t (I know that’s something I’ve got to work on when it comes to gadgets). ;-)

Luckily I did have my vehicle charger in my car so I knew I that could use my car to charge my Treo. It was a little annoying having to use my car to charge my Treo while my friends were enjoying themselves in our rooms, but it was my only option, and I dealt with it. I enjoy using my Treo so much (and so do my friends) that a few extra minutes away from my friends were worth it. Sure they busted me and called me a geek because I was so concerned about keeping my Treo alive, but they did appreciate it when we used my Treo to look up movie times, restaurant addresses and phone numbers using the great Directory Assistant application on my Treo. Their Samsung, and RAZR phones canÂ’t do what my Treo can, and once again my friends appreciated what you can do with a Treo. I love when people get impressed with it. ;-)

I came up with a category in my Tasks application on my Treo called "gadget bag" I listed all of my chargers, and cables and obsessively compulsively triple checked that my Treo wall charger was checked off and in my bag. A few days later I decided to browse the TreoCentral Store to see what new Treo accessories had come in. There it was, the device I never knew existed; it was called the Mobi Products DoubleTalk.. When I saw the DoubleTalk in the TreoCentral Store memories of that weekend flooded my mind, I knew I had to pick up this ingenious product.

How I use my DoubleTalk

I keep the DoubleTalk in my car at all times knowing I’ll never have a repeat of the weekend I forgot my wall charger. The DoubleTalk in my opinion is a must-have Treo accessory. You need a vehicle charger and you need an extra wall charger, so why not combine those 2 devices into one? Well, Mobi Products has, and it’s called the DoubleTalk.. I actually have two of these devices, one that stays in my glove compartment, and one that stays in my “gadget bag” (OCD) ;-).

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