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PalmCast Episode 71
Listen in to PalmCast Live, originally aired Monday, August 17th
Join us for PalmCast Live tonight - 8pm Eastern
The TreoCast is now the PalmCast and now it's live! Join us as we discuss all things Palm.
Smartphone Experts Roundtable 5
Join Dieter, Matthew, Rene, and Kevin as they discuss all of the insanely great new smartphones that have been announced and released in the past month.
PalmCast Episode 66
Dieter and Mike discuss the Pre release date and price, plus all the latest rumors. Listen in!. Listen in!
PalmCast Episode 65
Mike and Dieter discuss Palm Pre around the world, the Palm Eos, and much more. Listen in!
PalmCast Episode 64
Mike and Dieter discuss the latest Palm Pre rumors, the new Palm Pre features we're discovered, and the Sprint Treo Pro ROM issues floating around the TreoCentral Forums. Listen in!
PalmCast Episode 63
Classic PalmOS on the Pre, 3rd party apps, and more. Listen in!
Smartphone Experts Roundtable 4
Join Dieter, Kevin, Rene, and Phil as they discuss CTIA and the other big news coming out of the smartphone world in the past few weeks.
PalmCast Episode 61
Mike and Dieter return for the PalmCast! This week we give our eulogy to the PalmOS, discuss Roger McNamee's hijinks, and take a look at the Sprint Treo Pro and Internet Explorer Mobile 6.
Smartphone Experts Roundtable Podcast 3
Join Dieter, Matthew, Kevin, Rene, and Casey as they discuss Mobile World Congress 2009 -- there's a little bit for everybody in this gigantic cross-platfrom smartphone podcast!
The TreoCast is now the PalmCast, Episode 60
A ton of listener emails, speculation on the Pre's release date, and more. Listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 59
More Palm Pre, Sprint Treo Pro, but best of all: your voicemails!
TreoCentral TreoCast 58 - Special Palm Pre Edition
Mike and Dieter jump on to talk about the Palm Pre in a special on-location TreoCast! (Update: feed was busted, should be fixed now)
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 57
This week: Nova at CES, Palm's precarious finances, and Treo Pro roundup. Listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 56
This week Mike and Dieter fight through debilitating illness to discuss what might have been had Apple purchased Palm back in 1997, talk about some other industry news, and hit on the latest patches.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 55
This week: ALP on Edelweiss, Treo Pro on Sprint, Palm's stock, and most importantly: your emails! Listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 54
This week - an interview with Charles Wiltgen of Kinoma, the latest Centro news, and a ton of listener emails!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 53
This week: Treo Pro, some sad End of Life news, and the great Android Debate
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 52
Treo 800w, Treo Pro, WM6 on the 700wx, and your emails. Listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 51
Treo Pro, Treo Pro, Palm in the media, and your emails. Listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 50
Our 50th podcast! Instead of the usual week's news, instead Dieter and Mike go over their top 10 news stories in Palm's storied history. Listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 49
Dieter and Mike discuss the news of the past two weeks in their first ever 49th podcast! Plus -- a huge listener email section and the Foleo, one year later. Listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 48
This week we discuss the Treo 800w, Treo 800w, and also a little Treo 800w. Plus: some general Palm news and your email. Listen up!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 47
This week Dieter flies solo and waxes on about Palm's chances in the smartphone market come 2009. Happy 4th of July, everybody!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 46
This week we discuss Windows Mobile 6 coming to the Verizon Treo 700wx, some other software updates, and much more. Plus your comments and the latest from the community. Listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 45
This week we discuss the Treo 850, how it compares to the Treo 800w, Palm marketshare gains, Nova, and more. Listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 44
This week Dieter can't stop talking about how the Treo 800w looks, but there's also other pieces of news and communiques from the community. Listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 43
Mike returns to us this week to discuss the new Skywriter rumors. We have a ton of listener voicemails and emails this week - so listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 42
A special TreoCast this week: we're joined by The Cell Phone Junkie's Mickey Papillon. We chat about the Treo 750 and get his perspective on the major carriers in the US. It's a service smackdown!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 41
In this week's episode we have some news and we have too many emails to cram into the community section - so we're breaking them out into other areas.
Read on for the show notes!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 40
A day late, but we're still here for you: Mike and Dieter discuss Palm's Quarterly Results, the Treo 800w, and fear the wrath of Oprah in the community segment. Listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 39
In today's TreoCast we discuss the implications of the iPhone Software Roadmap on the world of Treos, as well as some other news. Plus: your emails and the community!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 38
This week it's Centro! Centro! Centro! We also discuss Palm's new swagger after the BlackBerry outage and whether or not the native application market is dead.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 37
In this week's TreoCast, Dieter and Mike discuss the Sprint Treo 755p ROM Update and take a look at the hot new browsers that are coming down the pike for Windows Mobile Treos.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 36
We're back after a long hiatus! We cover CES and a big giant stack of rumors, listen in!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 35
In today's TreoCast we look back at Palm's last quarter and try to see just what Palm has in store for us in 2008 (and 2009). Rumor, innuendo, and the TreoCentral forums inside!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 34
Windows Mobile 6 for the Treo 750 is finally here! Plus Palm's dire financial situation, listener emails, and the forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 33
This week we chat a bit about Palm on Nokia tablets, why we love 3rd party apps, and a bit more about the Smartphone Round Robin. Plus: gobs of listener emails and the forums
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 32
Dieter and Mike talk about Android, the Centro, and the Smartphone Round Robin. They also discuss the serious need to come up with some new catchphrases. Of course, they take a gander at the community.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 31
In today's TreoCast, Dieter and Mike soldier on through debilitating colds to wrap up their thoughts about CTIA Wireless IT & Entertainment, talk about some rumors, and some other news. Plus - a big announcement, the emails, and the forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 30
You asked for it - you got it! Today's TreoCast throws caution to the wind and goes long. We fill the time with hands-on talk about the Centro, discussion about mobile browsing, and more listener emails and voicemails than you can shake a stick at.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 29
In today's TreoCast, we have the Centro, some more Centro, and a bit of Centro. There's also some Palm financial news news, and then a smorgasbord of random yet interesting stuff. Plus: listener emails. Sorry we're a day late this week!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 28
Super-sized TreoCast! We examine the Foleo cancellation (good, but tough, call); Dieter overviews the Treo 500v drama (not high-end, but not meant to be); the Centro (still looks like a mini-755p); and finally Mike takes a closer look at the new members of the Palm Board of Directors. We have some oldies-but-goodies from the forums too.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 27
In today's TreoCast, we'll address that Engadget open letter, the new Centro leaked image, take a peek at what "industry analysts" are saying, answer some listener mail, and hit up the forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 26
In today's TreoCast, we return once again to the ROM issues, we talk about the upcoming Palm Centro, and chat up some Foleo news as well. You know we hit the forums up too, because we're predictable like that.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 25
In today's TreoCast, we "conditionally express" some Treo 750 Windows Mobile 6 impressions. There are a lot of software updates to note. We also talk a bit about the Google stuff that's been happening in the mobile space. Finally, of course, more of your emails and threads.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 24
In today's TreoCast, we have a lot of Treo software updates to talk about and we have some rumors to hash out. The community too, this week is supercharged with a bunch of listener emails.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 23
In this TreoCentral TreoCast, we spend some time doomsaying about Palm, review some new software that's out there, ...and we talk a bit about that other phone that just came out - be sure to listen closely to Mike's thoughts on how the iPhone is what PalmOS should have been by now.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 22
In this TreoCentral TreoCast, we talk about the iPhone iNsanity, the 700p ROM update, have quite a bit about the Foleo, discuss some Palm corporate news, and new Treo rumors. Plus, a few great threads in the TreoCentral forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 21
This week we discuss Palm's corporate shakeup, the new Palm Foleo, and heap our exasperation upon Palm for the continued 700p ROM update saga.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 20
This week we speculate on Palm's mystery 3rd device and discuss some other news bits. We also note the latest entries to the TreoCentral Wiki and look at the TC Community.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 19
This week we have a new Treo here to take a look at, the 755p. We have have an interview with 755p product manager Rob Katcher. There's also a new Palm support website, some other little bits of news, and the forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 18
In this TreoCast we round up the news, including the 700p Maintenance Release, the coming Virtual Blackberry software, and some neat little PalmOS applications. We discuss the TreoCentral wiki a bit and, of course, point out some great TreoCentral forum threads.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 17
In this TreoCast we discuss the coming Linux powered PalmOS as well as a lot of other exciting Palm news. Dieter defends Windows Mobile 5's user interface when Mike provides constructive criticism. Plus: TreoCentral's community keeps the pressure on for the 700p patch.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 16
This week we discuss the best of the CTIA conference, including a discussion of our interview with Opera CEO Jon von Tetzchner. We mention a few new accessories and hit up the forums, be sure to check out the new 680 skin.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 15
This week we discuss Palm news, rant about mobile carriers, and mention an exciting new Powerpoint presenter. The Treo guide is about using FontSmoother to nicen up your PalmOS Treo and we check out the latest from the forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 14
In this TreoCentral TreoCast we have a lot of Palm Corporate-type news - can you say "Nokia Treo", because I can't. We'll also have an old-school type of TreoGuide - our top 5 apps for each platform. Plus forums, we always do the forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 13
In this TreoCentral TreoCast we talk about Windows Mobile 6 and the 3GSM conference in Barcelona, more Treo 680 color hijinks, and some other bits of news. In this week's TreoGuide we talk aobut managing memory on PalmOS Treos.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 12
This week we take a look at Google Maps for Windows Mobile Treos, then put Access on life support. There's a TC Guide this week as well: using GPS on your Windows Mobile Treo with free mapping software. As always, we check out what is happening in the community.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 11
In this episode we talk about the iPhone, wrap up our CES coverage with some speculation about mobile computing's future, hit a bunch of news tidbits, and check out the forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 10
We're back from our unannounced hiatus and in a new year, so there's a lot to talk about in this podcast. The new Treo 750 on Cingular, the conclusion of the 700p ROM update drama, and more.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 9
In this week's TreoCast we discuss Palm's purchase of the source code for Garnet, interview Palm's Scott Hancock about their new marketing campaign, and as always check out the forums. Plus: undocumented tips and tricks of the Treo 680.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 8
In this TreoCast we talk about the new Treo 680, Palm�s strategy for selling it, and a bit of other news. We look into how to decide which Treo is right for you. As always, we check out the TreoCentral community too. (Plus - don't miss the TreoCentral Store post-Thanksgiving sale)
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 7
This week's TreoCast features news about Access, Motorola, and NTP. The TCGuide is using the Treo in your social life as much as your business life. Lastly, as we always do, we�ll check in on the TreoCentral forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 6
This week we discuss the latest news (including the 700wx's continued inability to send SMS messages to non-Sprint phones!), we break down the highlights of TreoCentral's interview about the Treo 680, and check in on the TreoCentral forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 5
In this TreoCast we discuss the new Treo 680, a ton of other Treo news, and chat up some accessory bundles. Our TCGuide this week is about bluetooth stereo headsets. Finally, as usual, we check out the TreoCentral forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 4
In this TreoCast we discuss the recent Mobius conference with Michael Ducker, play the winning entries from our Black Tie Treo giveaway, and as always talk about news and what's happening in the TreoCentral community.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 3
In this episode, we talk about the Treo 750v, the Palm Developers Network, our continuing Black Tie Treo Giveaway, some basics of GPS, and the latest from the TreoCentral forums.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 2
In this week's TreoCast we announce a contest to give away a Limited Edition Black Tie Treo 650, talk about the new Treo 700wx, talk some news, and Mike teases Dieter - who manfully manages not to cry.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 1!
(Now in the iTunes Store!) TreoCentral's first podcast! In this episode: Palm's new Treo announcement, Treos on a plane, two bluetooth headsets and two cases, how to listen to podcasts on your Treo, and the latest from the forums.
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