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New Palm Centro Image Leaked
Mobility Today has received a new image of the upcoming Palm Centro from an anonymous tipster. The new image reveals some interesting details:
- The Centro is slightly better looking than previously thought (in this writer's opinion, anyway)
- The image on the screen is the Instant Messenger program that was introduced in the Treo 755p, confirm both that the Centro will have IM and perhaps that it is indeed aimed at a youth market
- The connector on the bottom is the standard Treo "Athena" connector, a fact that many regret - though that regret is tinged with irony because - one upon a time - many used to complain about Palm changing their connectors. Still, the Athena connector is not as convenient as a simple mini-USB plug.
- It appears that the screen, though small, is definitely 320x320 pixels.
- Also notable is the prominent Palm logo in a new spot - on the 5-way button - and no Treo branding to be seen.
David Ciccone of Mobility today notes that his anonymous tipster also confirmed the price of the Palm Centro will be $99 after contract. Palm thus seems to be finally bringing a low-cost smartphone to market. Though many in the Treo community are clamoring for more high-end improvements in the Treo line, it may be possible that the Centro will garner a large following among current featurephone users. The Centro strikes me as very-well positioned against the T-Mobile Sidekick, for example.
Unfortunately, it's difficult to glean any more information about the purportedly tiny keyboard or how difficult it is to type on from the image. One hopes that Palm has updated their aging PalmOS with some intelligent recognition software to eliminate extra keypresses.
