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Palm Treo 500 Image Surfaces

Mon Sep 10, 2007 - 5:10 PM EDT - By Dieter Bohn


An anonymous tipster has sent an image in to WMExperts (our sister site) of the new Treo 500, apparently scanned in from promotional material for a Netherlands retailer called The Phone Shop. The image confirms that a new Treo is coming to Vodafone - almost surely the Palm Gandolf speculated on earlier in the week.

While it's certainly possible that the scanned image is photoshopped (or that The Phone Shop has printed incorrect information), it seems much more likely that the image is accurate and the Palm Gandolf will indeed be called the Treo 500.

Click for full size:

Furthermore, The image appears to confirm that the Treo 500 will be a 3G phone (meaning HSDPA for data at the least) and it also still appears to not have a touchscreen -- a first for Palm. Presumably the Treo 500 will also feature Windows Mobile 6 Standard and one hopes Palm's famed "special sauce" of User Interface improvements.

The Treo 500 is expected to be officially announced on September 12th. You can discuss the Treo 500 in our forums.

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