Over at this thread in our TreoCentral forums, an internal AT&tT presentation has been posted. It details the upgrades that are due for both the Treo 750 and 680 on AT&T. The dates for the updates are in questions, however, as the 750 was slated to receive its update on October 15th and has not yet.M
Treo 750

The Treo 750 is slated to finally receive the free upgrade to Windows Mobile 6, promised by Palm back in March of this year. Additionally, several custom AT&T features like mobile video links and "stub" applications to download TeleNav and MobiTV will be added. The supposed date was to be October 15th, so it seems that there has been yet another delay in this release..
Treo 680

The 680 will also receive a maintenance release, adding several exciting features to the PalmOS Treo. Most important is "Push To Talk" functionality (first seen on a leaked GSM version of the Centro), but also adding the ability to use an MP3 as a ringtone without the need for 3rd party applications. The rumored release date for the 680's release is October 22nd, but the delay in the 750's release doesn't bode well tha this release will be on time, either.
Both releases will require a full update from a desktop computer, erasing and then restoring users' data.
Calling these updates "delayed" is a bit unfair as neither Palm nor AT&T have ever announced a release date - especially on the 680, where an update with PTT wasn't even widely expected. On the other hand it does appear that, especially in the case of the 750, some sort of timetable must have slipped. Let's just hope that it's a case of AT&T trying to time the announcement for perfect marketing and not a repeat of the trials and tribulations users faced with the maintenance releases for the Treo 700p and 700wx.