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GPRS is alive and well on Treo
GPRS with T-Mobile
I added I-stream/T-Mobile Internet to my phone yesterday, and a couple of hours later I received several strange SMS messages (this indicates that the phone has been provisioned). After turning the phone off and on (very important), it signed on to the GPRS network automatically. Other users have reported having GPRS activated without receving any SMS messages.
T-Mobile uses a compression technology (VS Accelerator, aka SpeedWise) on port 80 that is currently incompatible with Blazer, so you need to use a proxy server to bypass it. A free proxy server is Port: 9666, but please register at before using it. Blazer's proxy settings are under Options > Blazer Preferences > Advanced > Set Proxy.
Another workaround offered by flight is to "use EudoraWeb or Xiino to load, then change the preference to turn the proxy OFF. I can then use Blazer for that session. This setting seems to reset from time to time, but the work-around seems to always work."
AvantGo and other Palm applications using port 80 suffers the same problem. Hopefully this will be addressed by T-Mobile when they start to officially support the Treo.
Unfortuently, my Treo finally encountered the dreaded backlight problem last night, so I can't do any further testing until my replacement unit arrives.
GPRS with Cingular
We will update this article once we get information regarding GPRS with Cingular. Please e-mail us if you have a success story to share.
GPRS with AT&T
aschobel reports that AT&T customers need to set the APN to "proxy" (without the qoutation marks), and leave username and password blank.
GPRS around the world
Users around the world on various GRPS networks are reporting successful connections on our discussion board.