Looks like our sister site WMExperts has yet another 800w leak story to tide us over while all the iPhone 3G hoopla is going on and we await the Treo 800w.
Forum member Darth Pooh met with his local store rep who had some promotional materials straight from Palm, and Darth Pooh was able to get a couple of photos and then scanned them.
Malatesta says that these data sheets don't tell us very much more than we already know but that there are lots of new glamor shots, some cool shortcuts, and you'll also learn exactly what Sprint reps will tell you when they attempt to sell you the 800w.
Malatesta let's us know that we do learn:
- "... it will ship with a standard and extended battery due to beta feedback"
- RevA enabled out of the box
- Qualcomm MSM-6800a chipset
- GPS is standalone and assisted (noyce)
- Talk time is "up to 4 hours" with 200 hrs standby
- 1150 mah battery (same as the Centro)
You can download the full 12 page sales guide here (while it lasts).