Companies can get a little crazy when they think that someone might be impeding on their trademark mojo. Remember when T-Mobile contacted Engadget Mobile because they used a similar magenta color in their logo? Yeah, well, Palm is following suit. has tread too closely in using Palm's trademarked name for comfort for the execs out in Sunnyvale.
If you visit the, Dmitry Grinberg (owner/developer of PalmPowerups) has posted a short letter to get a few things off of his chest. And while he makes some valid points, and it does seem that his name was randomly picked out of a hat, Palm does own the trademark rights to its name. And like it or not, they are probably well within their rights here. So if you're up for a bunch of legalese, hit up the read link to the letter.
Read: Cease & Desist Letter
[via Palm InfoCenter]