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Developer Deals on Treo
These deals have sadly expired (on midnight, new years eve). Congratulations to all who got in on the deal.
If you are a registered Handspring Developer (as of December 3rd, 2002), you can receive big discounts on the Treo 270 and Treo 90.
Up to 5 Treo 270's with service can be purchased for only $229 each after $50 rebate. It is only $479 to purchase them without service.
Treo 90's can also be procured for only $179. A limit of 5 per developer is again instigated.
Treo's must be ordered from this page. This is an excellent deal that I would highly recommend to anyone who is registered - in fact the price of $179 for the Treo 90 is cheaper than open-box Treo 90's at