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Tip o' the Week: Traveling Treo (or Centro)
Travel With Juice
Whether it's a vacation to the Hawaiian paradise or a business trip to Sacramento (cough), my Treo 750 and Centro are along for the journey. Although much of this week's Tip is common sense and likely "old hat" for you long-time forum members and Palm enthusiasts, it may be helpful to keep these tips in mind when you pack your bags and journey far from home.
This week I'm in Sacramento for a work conference and am darn thankful for my Palm devices during some of those long speaking presentations. I'm usually moderately attentive and always respectful to the speakers, but it's nice to have today's technology to carry on a conversation with a colleague at the other end of the room via text message. The last thing you want during a trip is to run out of juice - a dead battery can only result in being out of contact and carrying a paperweight in your pocket or purse. Also, you can't access the internet and find the best restaurants around you when your phone is dead. Here are some tips to make your traveling experience, be it business or pleasure, more... well... pleasurable.
- Carry a spare battery. In both the Treo and Centro, the batteries are small and it's easy to throw an extra one in your pocket or bag. Keep it charged up so it's ready to go. You can get spare or replacement batteries for your Treo and Centro at the TreoCentral Store here and here.
- Leave your charging cradle at home, but take a portable power adapter or USB adapter with you. The cradle takes up too much space in your bag and there are much smaller travel chargers available. Look for charging opportunities wherever you are. If you are in a meeting all day (i.e., convention room), try to sit near a power outlet so you can charge your Treo or Centro as needed. Also, if you travel with a laptop, you can charge your phone via the USB adapter. If you have a rental car, throwing a car charger into your carry-on isn't a bad idea, either. You can also find these items in the TreoCentral Store bundled nicely in one package here
- Ever noticed that hotel rooms are poorly lacking in free power outlets? Seems like anywhere I go, I'm lucky to find one free outlet in a convenient place to work or charge my devices. If you have room, take along your own outlets! Try the Belkin Mini Surge Protector with USB Charger, which can be purchased here.
- Finally, I recommend installing some apps to help you find your way and find something good to eat. Download Google Maps and search the TreoCentral Store, in software, for apps that may help you with dining recommendations that are near your destination.
That's it for this week's Tip. If you are a developer with some helpful and/or fun software or if you have a Tip that you wish to pass on to the rest of the community, just email me at: [email protected]. Tune in next week for another Tip!
Disclaimer: Tip o' the Week makes no guarantee, express or implied, that any tip found herein will be new or particularly useful to the reader (and hey, Sacramento is a pretty good place to visit. Sure glad I have my Palm for those really interesting meetings ).