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R.I.P. Graffiti, 1996-2003
Graffiti is No More
PalmSource has announced that the current Graffiti handwriting recognition system found in most Palm-powered devices will be replaced by Graffiti 2, which be using a form of the Jot character recognizer from Communication Intelligence Corporation (CIC). PalmSource has licensed Jot, which will be used in future handhelds.
Jot allows users to enter data by writing standard upper and lowercase letters. New users will find Graffiti 2 easier to pick up, but as a longtime Graffiti user I will be sorry to see it go. PalmSource is most likely getting rid of Graffiti because of the patent lawsuit that Xerox filed against the company back when it was U.S. Robotics.
It remains to be seen how well current handheld users will take to Graffiti 2. Of course most Treo users won't be affected because of its keyboard, but if you want a glimpse of the future, download a trial version of Jot and give it a try.
* 1996 was when the Pilot 1000 was introduced, but I'm sure Graffiti was kicking around the Palm Computing labs before then