It's the same story since the dawn of new gadgets - a tale that every early adopter is familiar with. You open up the box to your shiny new toy (you've heard the characteristic "Hoahhh" as you you slide the plastic off, I'm sure), power it up with sweaty palms in tow - only to find out that your "must-have" programs have yet to be updated to assure compatibility with the device. It's an all-too-familiar scene - one that Treo Pro users are wrestling with as we speak, trying to take full advantage of that beautiful high-res screen with the likes of their Sling Box...
To say that the Sling Box forums have been lighting up with posts would be a misnomer - apparently the Treo Pro does not conjure up the same emotional response as those iPhone users (or they are seriously outnumbered, which is much more logical). However, many Sling Users have spoken up and gotten responses from the powers-that-be, only to find out that there is no ETA on compatibility. Treo 800w users have reported similar responses in the forums here at TC. Though this 320x320 resolution is newer, the WM Treos were not the first to take advantage of the new screen resolution. Seriously, Sling? Just telling users that they should simply choose a "compatible" device is not exactly what I would consider "support."