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Douglas C. Jeffries to Join Palm as CFO

Mon Dec 15, 2008 - 5:00 PM EST - By Jennifer Chappell


Palm announced today that Douglas C. Jeffries, previously chief accounting officer at eBay, will join Palm in January 2009 as the Company's Chief Financial Officer. Andy Brown will transition out of the CFO role and stay with the company through January.

From the press release:

Brown stated, "My experience at Palm has been exciting and fulfilling, but the time is right for me to pursue other interests. Palm's finance organization is well-positioned to support the company's strategic and financial objectives, and I am leaving the many responsibilities of the CFO role in exceptionally capable hands."

Ed Colligan, Palm's president and chief executive officer, said that he was delighted to welcome Douglas Jeffries to the Palm team. Colligan said that Jeffries' extensive financial, operational and strategic experience will contribute big time to Palm's future success.

Doug Jeffries will be assuming the role of Palm's senior vice president and chief financial officer effective January 7th, the day before Palm announces some Big stuff at CES.

So Palm is really working towards a relaunch, and a fresh start, but Andy Brown deserves serious kudos for sheperding Palm through some extremely tough times, financially. Brown will remain with Palm through January in order to ensure a smooth transition. We wish Andy Brown the best!

You can read the full press release here.

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