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Jeff Hawkins Interview

Tue May 6, 2003 - 8:24 PM EDT - By Michael Ducker

CNET News has an interview with Jeff Hawkins, Co-Founder of Handspring. It is a brief article that spends most of its time talking about the transition from pdas to commuicators, but there is one intresting tidbit:

About Keyboards: "I don't want to be too detailed here. In terms of key shapes, layouts, colors, it's how you backlight the keys and how you overwrite their functions. There are a lot of varieties."

And more

"Do you foresee more features like cameras being built into cell phones? How about technologies like Bluetooth?
I'm not a technology guy. I understand technologies, but I don't really get excited about technologies. I get excited about applications. I've been cautious about Bluetooth for many years, because I ask myself what a user would do with it. It reminds me of infrared. Infrared was in a bunch of products, but no one ever used it. And we didn't put it into the Palm Pilot until we had a great application for it.

We were the first people to make infrared popular. You could beam card information from one device to another. It worked 100 percent of the time, and essentially it became the first real successful consumer application of infrared in a computing device. It's all about applications and functionality, not technology."

As we get closer and closer to summer/fall, we should be hearing more about this new Treo. There are several users on the boards now that have claimed to have seen the new Treo in one way or another.

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