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TreoCentral users prefer SnapperMail

Which email client do you use with your Treo?
TreoMail |
9.00% (46) |
Snappermail |
49.51% (253) |
Eudora |
20.35% (104) |
Multimail |
1.76% (9) |
iambic Mail |
1.76% (9) |
Electric Pocket's Mailer |
0.78% (4) |
Other |
16.83% (86) |
Here are the results of our latest poll:
As you can see, SnapperMail ($35) got almost 50% of the vote, followed by Eudora, 20% (free), and than by the other category-16%. TreoMail ($50/$100 a year) was only in use by 9% of our users, while the other three options gave insignificant results.
Our next poll is asking what is the best feature on the new (rumored) Treo 600.