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eBook Picks of the Week: Tom Clancy
Tom Clancy
Reader Rich Cunningham wrote in and let me know that Tom Clancy's entire library has been put on Fictionwise and eReader. Rich adds:
Clancy's books have been available via the bootleg/pirate market for years, but these are official cover to cover editions.
I've never read any of Clancy's books, but I'm pretty sure that I'd enjoy them all. I've seen some of the movies that have been made from his books like "The Hunt for Red October", "Patriot Games", "Clear and Present Danger", and "The Sum of All Fears". I loved all those movies and we all know that "the book is always better than the movie". I know that I say that a lot, but it's worth repeating.
Hmmm, I just read over at Wikipedia that Clancy, who was born in Maryland, is part-owner of the Baltimore Orioles, and is also the Orioles' Vice Chairman of Community Activities and Public Affairs. Dang, he almost bought the Minnesota Vikings in 1998. There are some more interesting facts about Clancy that you can read over at Wikipedia.
Most of you have probably heard of the books/movies listed above. Let's look at some more of Clancy's books:
Executive Orders
The President is dead--and the weight, literally, of the world falls on Jack Ryan's shoulders, in Tom Clancy's newest and most extraordinary novel. I don't know what to do. Where's the manual, the training course, for this job? Whom do I ask? Where do I go? Debt of Honor ended with Tom Clancy's most shocking conclusion ever; a joint session of Congress destroyed, the President dead, most of the Cabinet and the Congress dead, the Supreme Court and the Joint Chiefs likewise. Dazed and confused, the man who only minutes before had been confirmed as the new Vice-President of the United States is told that he is now President. President John Patrick Ryan. And that is where Executive Orders begins. Ryan had agreed to accept the vice-presidency only as a caretaker for a year, and now, suddenly an incalculable weight has fallen on his shoulders. How do you run a government without a government? Where do you even begin? With stunning force, Ryan's responsibilities crush on him. He must calm an anxious and grieving nation, allay the skepticism of the world's leaders, conduct a swift investigation of the tragedy, and arrange a massive state funeral--all while attempting to reconstitute a Cabinet and a Congress with the greatest possible speed. But that is not all. Many eyes are on him now, and many of them are unfriendly. In Beijing, Tehran, and other world capitals, including Washington D.C., there are those eager to take advantage where they may, some of whom bear a deep animus toward the United States--some of whom, from Ryan's past, harbor intense animosity toward the new President himself. Soon they will begin to move on their opportunities; soon they will present Jack Ryan with a crisis so big even he cannot imagine it. Tom Clancy has written remarkable novels before, but nothing comparable to the timeliness and drama of Executive Orders. Filled with the exceptional realism and intricate plotting that are his hallmarks, it attests to the words of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: "This man can tell a story."
You can get "Executive Orders" for $8.99.
Rainbow Six
Over the course of nine novels, Tom Clancy's genius for big, compelling plots and his natural narrative gift (The New York Times Magazine) have mesmerized hundreds of millions of readers and established him as one of the preeminent storytellers of our time. Rainbow Six, however, goes beyond anything he has done before. At its heart is John Clark, the ex-Navy SEAL of Without Remorse and well-known from several of Clancy's novels as "the dark side of Jack Ryan," the man who conducts the secret operational missions Ryan can have no part of. Whether hunting warlords in Japan, druglords in Colombia, or nuclear terrorists in the United States, Clark is efficient and deadly, but even he has ghosts in his past, demons that must be exorcised. And nothing is more demonic than the peril he must face in Rainbow Six: a group of terrorists like none the world has ever encountered before, a band of men and women so extreme that their success could literally mean the end of life on this earth as we know it. It is Tom Clancy's most shocking story ever--and closer to reality than any government would care to admit. As Clancy takes us through the twists and turns of Rainbow Six, he blends the exceptional realism and authenticity that are his hallmarks with intricate plotting, knife-edge suspense, and a remarkable cast of characters. This is Clancy at his best--and there is none better.
Ever played the Ubisoft game "Rainbow Six"? In 2008, the use of Clancy's name was purchased by the French videogame manufacturer for an undisclosed sum. It's been awhile since I played the game, but I remember it being fun.
You can get the eBook version of "Rainbow Six" for $8.99.
Death Match
"Death Match" is Clancy's newest book and you can pre-order it. Below is the eBook description:
The latest, greatest, high-tech thrill ride for Tom Clancy's legion of young fans.The amateurs are beating the pros in this year's spatball playoffs--and some big bettors plan to lose a fortune. When they threaten a star player, the Net Force Explorers are called in to protect America's newest pastime.
You can pre-order "Death Match" here for $4.99.
You can check out all 53 of Tom Clancy's eBooks at Fictionwise.
Thanks Rich! ;-)