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Treo 300 SMS Send
A free app available here is now available to send text messages using Sprint's Network. Previously the only way to do this was to use PDAApp's Treo300SMS program.
"Text Messenger (Sprint PCS 1-Way SMS)
Have you ever wanted to send a Sprint-PCS 1-way text message (SMS) to someone -- and found your Palm device, or Samsung SmartPhone couldn't do it? Well, now you can. Text Messenger allows you to finally send text messages from your internet-connected (or vision enabled) PalmOS 3.5 or later device. Does not use any external proxies, communicates directly with sprint."
The program claims to work with all Palm OS 3.5 devices, which would include Treo's.
However, posts on the boards claim that this will only enable you to send to Sprint PCS numbers, and not other carriers. It sounded like a great idea, but sadly can't offer everything.