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Thank You for 20,000
TreoCentral and VisorCentral's combined membership database hit 20,000 registered users today, a major milestone.
It has been almost four years since VisorCentral launched in September of 1999, and TreoCentral followed a little more than a year ago, on May 21st, 2002. Due to Handsprings decision to cancel the Visor line, VisorCentral is today just a skeleton of its former glory. TreoCentral, on the other hand, is growing larger every month. With the introduction of Treo 600, we expect to grow faster than ever!
From our best estimates we have gained more than 7,000 Treo specific users, along with more than 13,000 new threads. From all of us at TreoCentral, Thank You for helping make this the best Treo website on the web.
We have a couple announcements to make. First, we are pleased to announce that KRamsauer has accepted the position of Moderator and will help ToolKit, miradu, marcus, MarkEagle and the rest keep TreoCentral on topic and safe for all users. Thank You KRamsauer!
We are also pleased to announce the addition of two product database editors; Matthew Hargus and Jim Mahon will be working to create the most complete Treo product database. If you haven't clicked Products and Reviews above, take some time to do so. In there you can learn about all the available accessories, and be able to review products you own yourselves. Thank You Matthew and Jim!
We still have many more plans for the future of You may have noticed the new Google AdSense ads on the right. These are an excellent non obtrusive way to a) help pay for bandwidth and b) hopefully give content-targeted ads that will interest you more.
Hopefully by the end of the summer, before the Treo 600 launches, we will have a live moderated chat system in place so that we can host guest's for an open Q&A session such as Will Lau of SnapperFish, or Brian Jaquet of Handspring. This is something that I (Michael) have been looking forward to for a long time now, and am really excited to finally put it in place. If you have any suggestions feel free to post in the threads.
The Ringtones area is currently being redone to support the Treo 600, and we will shortly add many new ring tones. We are also looking into becoming a T-Mobile and Sprint reseller, so that we can sell the Treo 600 when available.
This is just the beginning; we have an exciting time ahead of us. With the imminent launch of the Treo 600, Palm's buyout of Handspring, Microsoft's smart phone attack, and more, we still have more exciting times ahead of us.
Thank You,
Marcus Adolfsson, Editor-in-Chief,
Michael Ducker, Senior Editor,