I just noticed that our pal Kevin has revealed that some unreleased, future ROMs for a handful of BlackBerry smartphones have leaked out and the new operating system in these ROMs contain a compelling new feature: threaded SMS.
Of course, nearly every other smartphone platform already has threaded SMS, so we're not sure what took RIM so long (probably too busy playing brickbreaker :p).
So we just wanted to send out a quick congratulations to RIM: YOU DID IT!. It only took you five and a half years to catch up with the feature that Palm brought to the masses with the Treo 600 in January 2004. Editor Emeritus Michael Ducker spread the word in his Treo 600 Review:
On the GSM Treo, Handspring has made an excellent SMS app. It uses new color icons to show the type of message, and is easy to read. When message go back and forth, like most SMS messages do, it automatically forms an IM like chat complete with emoticons
We look forward to 2014, when RIM will innovate yet again by introducing a device with a physical keyboard and a touchscreen!
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