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Treo 600 released in UK
The Register now has an article up with full Orange Treo 600 release details. The Treo 600 will ship next month in UK, France, and Switzerland. The US equivalent prices will be from $480-512 depending on where you are.
Orange is also bundling Docs-to-Go, and a over the air Backup/Restore software program. Below is for reference/historical purposes only.
The Register is reporting that Orange, a major mobile communications company with operations in 20 countries across Europe and beyond, will launch the Treo 600 in UK shortly - possibly as early as next week.
While The Register is vague in date, TreoCentral has learned that Orange will release it this September 19th. Non carrier or US versions are due soon after that (a couple of weeks?).
Back in April, Handspring and Orange announced that they would work together in the development of future smartphones for Orange customers throughout Europe.
"The companies are working closely together to develop advanced business and personal smartphone solutions that will tie seamlessly into Orange back-end network systems to make wireless data applications easy to use right out of the box. Handspring and Orange plan to leverage their respective expertise in mobile user interface design and robust wireless service offerings to bring new smartphone solutions to the European market."
Early October is the currently rumored date for a Sprint launch.