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Handmark releases Wireless Express
Handmark has finally released their new information software Wireless Express. I have been beta-testing it for almost a month now and have been throughly impressed with this software. Express is an amazing app that gives you 411 service, mapping, movie showtimes, weather, news, sports, stocks quickly through a intuitive interface. It is a combination of Avantgo, yielding static news and weather data, yet also is akin to PQA's; you can look up numbers using 411, or check what the latest movie showtimes are. While all this data technically could be found using Blazer, Express puts it into one web connected application that in one or two steps finds the information you need.
A full review is to come, but for now check out their website and read the press release:
"The release today of Handmark Express wireless information service means that users of the popular Treo and Windows Mobile smartphones have a new trick to show off their device. Handmark Express, released today at the CTIA 2004 tradeshow in Atlanta, works with Palm OS and Windows Mobile smartphones or PDAs with WiFi and an Internet connection. Handmark, the leading developer and publisher of software for smart mobile devices, has created Express as a wireless information application to accelerate delivery of the information most in demand by a mobile generation. Express is much faster and easier than searching with the micro-browsers found on wireless PDAs and smartphones.
According to Handmark vice president Douglas Edwards, "even if there were no constraints on bandwidth, viewing web pages through a tiny two inch screen is a less than satisfactory experience. Express is an application that talks directly to Handmark servers for an optimum user experience, it's faster, easier and does much more than try to squeeze a service designed for desktops onto a handheld screen. Express was created specifically for the mobile device. It's much more than just better than browsing, Express makes smartphones smarter."
Because Express is a direct Internet client application, and not a web browser based service, it delivers the most wanted information and services faster than web portals. Express Delivers Who What When Where and How to Get There by providing automatic and on demand updates to news, market data, weather, sports scores, maps and directions, directory lookups, movie times and ticket purchases.
Express is available directly from for $6.99 per month and at retail with a prepaid one-year subscription for $69.90 (U.S., MSRP); it is easily worth the price of just one of the information channels. Handmark Express enables a wireless search of residential and business directories by name, address, or as a reverse directory. Express users can avoid paying for 411 directory assistance calls. With Express look-ups the complete listing information for all possible matches, including name, address, and phone number, are displayed. Users can choose the correct listing, dial directly from Express, add the complete listing data directly to the device's permanent built-in address book, and display a map of the location."