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100,000 Developers
PalmSource today announced the number of registered enterprise Palm OS developers has surpassed 100,000, with over 12,000 new enterprise developers registered in the last six months.
"We believe Palm OS is driving greater adoption of smart mobile devices in the enterprise market, " said David Nagel, president and CEO of PalmSource. "Combining Palm Powered smart mobile devices and enterprise applications offers a powerful solution for enterprises to stay connected to mission critical information."
The power and flexibility of the Palm OS platform continues to attract a large and loyal following of third-party developers looking to optimize their Palm OS application development for the growing mobile market. Registered enterprise developers building mobile applications for Palm Powered mobile devices span essential business processes, including customer relationship management (CRM), sales force automation (SFA), supply chain management (SCM) and mobile field service.
"The stability, familiarity and ease with which third-party applications can be developed for the Palm OS platform make it an extremely viable choice for enterprises looking to go wireless," said Alex Klyce, executive vice president of Sendia Corporation, a wireless application developer based in Santa Monica, Calif. ( "Our Wireless Salesforce Automation application, which extends's CRM solution to the mobile environment, has performed flawlessly when extended to the Palm OS platform, and we've received very positive feedback from Sendia's enterprise customers who are currently using our solution on the Treo 600 smartphone from palmOne."
Mobile computing has emerged as one of the key priorities for businesses seeking to facilitate mobile workforce productivity and ensure a higher return on investment (ROI). Palm OS is the most widely accepted mobile data operating system, appearing on 88 percent of enterprise mobile computing standards lists1. Today's next generation Palm Powered smart mobile devices are helping companies in vertical industries improve the way they do business. Palm Powered mobile devices meet user requirements for ease of use, personalization and elegance while delivering on enterprise demands for flexibility, security, and interoperability with existing IT infrastructure.