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Scheduled Downtime
As promised, we have a new host and some screaming new servers. Tonight, we successfully switched the forums over to the new servers. The official DNS changes will take a day to propagate around the web, but we have implemented redirects to make the changes immediate. If you visit the forums you will be taken to the new ones, no matter how you get there. Later this week we will move the rest of the site over to the new servers.
Some users are wondering why the discussion board was so slow the last few days; as we explained in the last posting, we set up the discussion boards temporarily on a highly underpowered server, powered by a single AMD Duron. To protect that server from crashing and to keep the other functions on that server running we limited the number of concurrent users to 200. Now that we are on our new servers we have removed this limit.
If you have any questions please feel free to email either myself or Marcus. We appreciate your patience as we move up to better hosts.