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$100 rebate on Treo
Handspring announced a program today where PDA owners can "trade up" to a Treo 180 and receive a $100 rebate.
This might sound familiar to some VisorCentral readers, as Handspring did a similar promotion with the Edge a while ago.
The details are as follows:
If you are a Visor owner it is an instant rebate. All you need to do is enter your Visor's serial number in at checkout.
If you are not a Visor owner, you can still receive a mail-in $100 rebate by filling out a rebate slip which includes your old PDA's serial number, and sending in two other forms. See this page for details. Note that in this case you will not be able to return your Treo if it is not defective.
In either case you will not need to send in a PDA to Handspring.
This offer is valid exclusively at Handspring until June 2nd, 2002. Free shipping is offered, along with a $10 discount on a future purchase upon registration.
If you are an enterprise customer, this offer is available here.