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Cingular Treo 650 by Month's End?
It's coming?
Gizmodo had the scoop today on when we will finally see a GSM version of the Treo 650. Cingular has a rebate form [pdf] good for $50 off the price of a Treo 600/650 or a Siemens SX66. The company is also demoing the Treo 650 at this year's CES, which is going on right now. TreoCentral owner Marcus Adolfsson is at CES and should have more details soon.
Correction: Cingular is NOT demoing the 650 at CES, but has showed it privately.
The rebate form says the Treo must be purchased between October 15, 2004 and January 31, 2005 yet only has date fields for the year 2005, lending credence to the rumors that it was supposed to be released last year.
It looks like we will finally see a GSM Treo 650. Hopefully T-Mobile and worldwide carriers will soon give us an indication on their plans for the Treo 650.