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New Treo 650 case from Speck Products
The more the merrier
Another skin case has been released for the Treo 650. Speck Products has released the SkinTight case for the Treo 650. Unlike most other skin cases that I have seen, the SkinTight case comes with a beltclip holster. The case will shortly be available from the TreoCentral store.
pdaBlast has a review of the case and writes "Overall I like the Rubberized Case by Speck Products. I could recommend it to anyone working as a mechanic, construction worker or similar profession. The protection it provides would be of great value to those who are active or in a questionable environment."
The SkinTight is $34.95 and is available in Clear, Black, or Blue. I have always know Speck Products as an iPod case maker and have noticed that more and more iPod accessory makers are looking at the Treo.