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Task Manager Shoot-Out for the 700W

Mon Jun 19, 2006 - 6:57 PM EDT - By Tim Hillebrand


The downside to Windows Mobile's powerful, multi-tasking operating system is that “closed” programs remain minimized in the background eating system resources. Sure, you can close them completely, but it's a pain in the butt, requiring excavation into six levels of your device. Wouldn't it be far more convenient to manage it all right from your desktop in a tap or two? That's what task managers will do for you.

The most robust program is Battery Pack Pro's ProgramBar, which includes a task manager, but you have to buy the whole kit and caboodle for $29.95, which is a lot to pay if you only want a task manager. Similarly, Pocket Plus offers a rich set of features along with a task manager included for $24.95.

Stand-alone applications include MobiTools, WisBar, SmallMenu Plus, and HandySwitcher, all for less money and are a better value, if all you need is a task manager. Of course, you can mix and match a task manager with other desktop applications such as iLuancher and HandyLauncher.

WisBar puts a lot of clutter on the task bar and I'll pass on that option, even though it is certainly a powerful, multi-functional application. In contrast, some 700w owners may appreciate the non-invasiveness of SmallMenu Plus with its Start menu reconfiguration approach. HandySwitcher works well as a standalone utility, and you can integrate it with HandyLauncher and HandyMenu. It's an outstanding bargain for the combined price of about $15.

My choice for the best task manager, however, goes to MobiTools. I like the way it acts as a program launcher, a task manager, and battery/memory monitor all on the same menu. Its screen capture feature is useful. I like its menu items for running programs, favorites, recently used, most frequently used, and a complete list of programs as well as access to systems settings.

MobiTools is a particularly good choice if you don't want to devote any main memory to such a utility because you can install it on a memory card. It is also a good choice if you don't want to use any Today screen real estate for a launch panel. It puts applications only a tap or two away, so you can devote desktop space to other items such as appointments and tasks. I also like the way you can place its little blue icon on the bottom tray or on the task bar and lock its position.

MobiTools is a bargain at only $9.95, and I'd call it a must-have application, if you want to keep your machine running at peak efficiency and have quick access to your applications, files, folders, and system information all from a single menu in a single tap. MobiTools will cleanse your memory banks to free up space. It will let you hack your OS to run the processor from 100 to 500 MHz to save battery or to improve computing power. Unlike some programs, MobiTools is always visible and always at your service from any application, which further makes it a clear winner.

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