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Palm's Treo 700wx now official
700wx available now
As reported over the weekend by TreoCentral, Palm announced early this morning that they have released the Treo 700wx for Sprint Networks.
There's not anything significantly new in the press release or the related product pages, though it is interesting to note that Palm continues to talk up their two Windows Mobile Treos as being especially well-suited to corporate users:
Treo smart devices continue to provide customers with innovation, ease of use and functionality in a stylish form factor," said Danny Bowman, vice president of product marketing for Sprint. "For customers who prefer to have Microsoft's Windows operating system applied across all their corporate computing assets, the new Treo 700wx gives users a convenient way to access their business-critical and Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents at broadbandlike download speeds to make just about anyplace a work place."
TreoCentral will have an extensive review of the 700wx tomorrow.