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On-the-Go Route Planning
GPS Pilot has released TripPilot, a route planning application for the Palm OS that allows users to plan trips on their handheld devices. TripPilot can also work in conjunction with any NMEA-0183 GPS receiver. Here are some of the application's features:- On demand itineraries and maps downloads from the Internet, even on the road through wireless device and cellular phone. Web connectivity required only for route download; navigation may be operated without a wireless connection.
- North America and Europe itinerary and map coverage down to street, town and road levels
- Driving directions supported in 11 languages
- Full search by address, cities, geo-coded information plus full integration with Palm™ address book.
- Itineraries and maps cached on the PDA to reduce search time and online costs.
- Links to any NMEA GPS devices for position display, tracking, speed, altitude, heading and estimated time of arrival.
TripPilot is now available for $49.95, and a trial version is available.