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Massive Hands-On Video of the Palm Pre

Last Updated Fri Jan 9, 2009 - 2:22 PM EST - By Dieter Bohn


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Above, see the excellent, twenty five minute hands-on of the Palm Pre. The hands-on was done by Peter Skillman, VP of Product Design at Palm and one of the long-time future-looking product guru's at the company. The video was taken by our friend Kevin Michaluk of CrackBerry.com and CrackBerry Kevin himself is awfully impressed with the device.

The video was taken in Palm's VIP Lounge here at CES. As I mentioned in Part One of my Palm Pre Impressions, the Pre is all about being natural and organic. The Palm VIP Lounge reflects that vibe perfectly. There are no hard edges anywhere in the lounge, from the stone-shaped couches, to the dun-colored drapes covering up every cable, pole, and wall, right on down to the excellent food they're offering up to bloggers and press all day.

We write about the VIP lounge not to brag, but to point out that if there was any question that Palm is going all-out with the Pre, that question is now moot. We spoke with a Sprint rep in the Lounge and confirmed that both Palm and Sprint intend to throw an unprecedented amount of marketing muscle behind the product.

Skillman himself put it best at the end of the video above:

Palm is back.

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