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There will be a GSM-Friendly Palm Pre
Update: Engadget has updated their article and are now saying:
We've just seen a copy of the Pre's press release, and sadly, the 3G GSM version is listed as being intended for "other regions" -- in other words, places not served by Sprint. The good news, we guess, is that we've also confirmed that it's HSDPA.
Engadget is reporting that they have gotten Palm on the record saying that there's a WCDMA (read: UMTS world 3G) version of the Pre in the works! WhooHoo!!!
That means that we could be seeing the Palm Pre on AT&T, T-Mobile, and Vodafone. Of course no word on when, but just hearing that it's a possibility makes my drool glands go cuckoo. Please Palm! Pleeeaaase!!