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Rand McNally Road Atlas from TreoCentral Store
Rand McNally Road Atlas
by Handmark
Read Review (Rating 1/5) <<
Next time you hit the road you'll know exactly how far you need to go. Your PDA and the Rand McNally Mileage Calculator deliver half a million mileages between hundreds of cities and attractions. It's like having a super-size Road Atlas mileage chart, but it fits in your hand. And it's super-easy to use. Select two points and get mileages -- no waiting!
Take more thank 640,000 miles of interstates and highways in the contiguous 48 states with you (local roads are not available).
Search over 10,000 interstate exits for restaurants, gas stations, lodging, and ATMs
Get city-to-city directions and calculate mileage for 12,000 cities
Zoom in to view detail, zoom out for an overview
Coverage for the 48 contiguous states
Includes Rand McNally Mileage Calculator
Find and read narrative descriptions of over 5,000 points of interest including attractions, national parks, and places to shop
Integrated with Rand McNally's classic print Road Atlas for additional reference and trip-planning capabilities
Rand McNally has taken the key features of the Road Atlas and put it on an expansion card.
See TreoCentral's extensive review for more infomation...
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