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eReader for Palm OS from
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eReader for Palm OS by eReader by Fictionwise/Barnes & Noble

>> Read Review (Rating 3/5) <<

Palm OS 3.0 (or later) Handheld with at least with at least 400KB free memory. Additional memory is required for each book purchased. See individual book pages for this information.

See TreoCentral's extensive review for more infomation...

User Opinions
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Would you recommend eReader for Palm OS ?

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Thumbs Up

LOVE eReader...
I have used Palm Reader and MobiPocket Reader but eReader tops them both. It seems to be more widely available; reads more types of the books I've downloaded and has everything you'd need while reading on your Palm device. I've used it on my Treo650 also on my T/X and T5. No problems or complaints - It's all good!
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

why buy a kindle?
The Kindle is the biggest boondoggle going. Ereading is a simple function. Give me an adequate sized screen (Treo 680) and adjustable fonts (bold and large) and what else do you need? Having a place for an SD card makes things easy and sites like fictionwise.com and baen.com and manybooks.net and gutenberg.org provide a dazzling array of materials, both free and for money. I have 1000 books on my card. It works perfectly--and it's my phone, MP3 player, calendar keeper, email client, etc. One device. Convergence. And no ridiculous prices for Kindle. Ereader is a program that needs some updating in minor areas but the basics work perfectly. There is no real need for anything else. PORTABILITY: Most importantly--if it's on your smartphone, you can be anywhere, it is always with you and consequently you get in reading at unexpected times and places (like a doctor's office..) that you wouldn't otherwise get. Kindle. Bah. Humbug.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

I love this program, the auto scroll makes it so easy to read. I ran it on my 680 with Call of the Wild and was enthralled with the book and the program. I can see myself filly up another 8gb card with books!
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

using it for years
I will only by e-books, if I can. I rarely read books where pictures are significant, so the palm fills the bill for easy access to book content. I always have something to read handy. A free desktop reader is available as well, which is good for when you have your PC/laptop/netbook available. Highly recommended
by Anonymous


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