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Works with Treo 650

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mOcean 3 from
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mOcean 3 by MotionApps

>> Read Review (Rating 5/5) <<

mOcean 3 is the latest, most innovative multimedia player for the Palm platform.
Not only does mOcean play music with a slick, stylish and easy to use interface, but mOcean will also play videos, display photo albums, play audiobooks, internet radios, podcasts and much more.

See TreoCentral's extensive review for more infomation...

User Opinions
Thumbs Up  25% Thumbs Down 75%

Would you recommend mOcean 3 ?

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Thumbs Down

Unable to install
No tech support on line. No way to attak problem of installation. No support no install no good.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Down

Great, but the skipping...
I really like mOcean. The online support (Internet radio, podcasts) is fantastic. I don't really care for the UI. (Why not use conventional menus--or at least have the option to do so?) I could live with that stuff and buy the product, but I could not for the life of me get it to stop skipping. I have a Sprint 700p with the MR and while I've known pTunes to skip, this was terrible.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Down

Serious Issues!
1. The trial software doesn't let you do anything! 2. A complete absence of any type of manual. I had to send an email to support to figure out how to delete individual podcasts (the menu button). 3. Individual Podcast listings can be deleted off mOcean with the menu button but remain on your card! These files have to be deleted manually! 4. There is no method with the current version of the software (3.0.11) to delete Audiobooks, either the listing from mOcean or the file from your card. Trying to delete the file manually resulted in a "file is read-only" error message. After inserting the card in a reader I was able to delete the file. I haven't found a method to delete the entry in the software even with the file no longer there! MotionApps Technical Support informed me they were aware of these issues and that they would be fixed in a later release. I wasn't aware that I was paying them to beta test their own software. I would seriously avoid until they get their act together. Best, James Scherber
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

Great app
Only downside to the latest version is that video playback is limited to native formats - so the AVI files I have for TCMP won't play on my 650. But otherwise, an excellent program.
by Anonymous


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