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Download MyBible

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User Opinions
Thumbs Up  88% Thumbs Down 12%

Would you recommend MyBible ?

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Thumbs Up

The most often-used tool on my Visor!
When I purchased the Visor, I never imagined the thing I would use it for most is as a Bible! MyBible is an amazing concordance (with the find feature) and also a handy bible that I carry everywhere. The find feature searches the entire bible in seconds for the word or phrase you are looking for. I've gotten some strange looks in church when I pull out my Visor to look up a verse, but other than that I have no complaints! :-)
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

What a tool for Christ!
This is not only a great program, but can also be a great witnessing item. Any Palm user likes to share with another. Now you can have the Bible right there to share without scareing someone away.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

powerful full of features
An excellent electronic bible. I use it practically everyday. I particularly love the powerful search tool. Who needs a concordance now. It is worth more than the price - a must buy!!!
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

Who would of ever thought....
Who would of ever thought that you could have so much in such a little space.. I use this as my primary tool and have used it to witness to others, in parking lots, on the street, in the malls, etc. Keep up the good work!
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

Very easy to use (isn't that what computers are all about?)
Easy to search. Easy to read. Great modern translations available.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

One more thing
I also REALLY need a Spanish language version. By using the ability to switch between versions while retaining one's place, it could serve as a two-language parallel Bible.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

Great program and great witnessing tool!
I work with Young Life, a ministry to high school age kids. When I am sitting using my Palm, invariably at least one of the teens will come over and ask me what I am doing with it. I tell them that I am reading my Bible. That often provides the "in" to start talking with them about Jesus. I also teach the High School age Sunday School class in my church and the "Find" feature is invaluable. By returning to the same place when I return to the program, I can switch between my notes (in Documents to Go Word View) and the Bible on the fly. As others have pointed out, this program REALLY needs Find wildcards and the ability to enter one's own annotations.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Down

Absolutely. I use it every day.
This is a great program. If you want the Bible for your Visor, this is the best I've seen.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

Great product!
Never did I ever expect that I could have the entire text of TWO versions of the Bible in my pocket! With its fast searches and easy-to-use interface this a must-have product for those who read the bible. (Been having some very minor glitches using OS v3.5 on a Palm Vx, but not enought to be of any concern.)
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

It works - but no notes
I bought this software, since anything that makes me read the bible more is a good thing. I now read on the way to work in the mornings. Only snag - no way to attach notes to a verse or chapter. Would have been nice to be able to associate notes with the verses they refer to. Maybe the next version???... DRC
by Anonymous

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Read Merciful by Casey Adolfsson
