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Aliph Jawbone Noise Shield Bluetooth Headset from
TreoCentral Store

Aliph Jawbone Noise Shield Bluetooth Headset from
TreoCentral Store

Aliph Jawbone Noise Shield Bluetooth Headset by Aliph

>> Read Review (Rating 4/5) <<

Product Description
How it Works

Jawbone measures the ambient noise around you and automatically enhances the incoming audio and adjusts the volume to make every incoming call sound crystal clear. Using adaptive sound technology, the Jawbone uses two microphones and a voice activity sensor. When placed against the cheek, the sensor detects voice vibrations rather than picking up the sound from your mouth.
Excellent sound quality, adaptive noise cancellation, catchy design and comfortable fit.

See TreoCentral's extensive review for more infomation...

User Opinions
Thumbs Up  50% Thumbs Down 50%

Would you recommend Aliph Jawbone Noise Shield Bluetooth Headset ?

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Thumbs Down

Great noise reduction ... TERRIBLE BT stability
I had a Jawbone but loved the noise cancellation ... no question this rocked. However, the BT capabilities of this headset to my 755p were anything but wonderful. One very annoying aspect of this was after a call the Jawbone would 90% of the time drop its pairing with my phone. I would have to wait to see if it came back which many times it wouldn't. I would either have to reset the Jawbone or pop the battery in my Treo to get everything working again. Two friends I recommended the Jawbone to have both since indicated the Jawbone (while great sound cancellation) is probably the worst headset they've ever used. Noise cancellation it great stability and reliability should and must always come first IMHO.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Down

Great noise reduction ... TERRIBLE BT stability
I had a Jawbone but loved the noise cancellation ... no question this rocked. However, the BT capabilities of this headset to my 755p were anything but wonderful. One very annoying aspect of this was after a call the Jawbone would 90% of the time drop its pairing with my phone. I would have to wait to see if it came back which many times it wouldn't. I would either have to reset the Jawbone or pop the battery in my Treo to get everything working again. Two friends I recommended the Jawbone to have both since indicated the Jawbone (while great sound cancellation) is probably the worst headset they've ever used. Noise cancellation it great stability and reliability should and must always come first IMHO.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

good and useful
I have the best clarity with this instrument; some people I communicate with have crappy phones and instruments, it does not reflect on Jawbone. I am an OTR and need and use this tool consistently. You are correct, it is also a work of art!!
by Anonymous

Thumbs Down

Treo 755p pairing problems
The earlier treo works fine. I upgraded to the 755p and the pairing is dropped routinely emitting an erksome beep beep beep in your ear.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

Fantastic headset!
Some of the reviewers say the volume is too low, or the earpiece is flimsy, etc etc.. I won't argue that there is a volume problem, but my solution was to buy a 6pack of Jabra Ear Gels from Radio Shack (about $6) and use those instead of the included ear inserts. The Jabra gels fit snugly in the ear and direct the sound down the ear canal nicely, a side benefit is that the over-ear piece becomes unnecessary! (thus eliminating another piece that tends to break)
by Anonymous

Thumbs Down

ear piece snapped off. bad customer serivce
On amazon you will read about poor quality control and poor customer service. The bad reviews are 100% correct.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Down

Didn't work well enough (on VZW)
Some nice design elements although bulky. But the big thing is that the noise cancellation was nothing like the demos on the site or the reviews on other sites (e.g., PCMag). They note that CDMA phones may have lower performance, so this may be the reason. Easy to try and return, however, as they have good customer service.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

Best bluetooth headset I've used.....
I have used 2 different Motorola and 1 Jabra bluetooth headset and the Jawbone is by far the best I've used. Not only do I find the sound quality exceptional, but the callers on the other end state they hear little to no background noise even when I'm driving down the highway, windows open and radio on. The background noise picked up by other brands was the biggest issue I was looking to alleviate and this device does that in spades! You won't be disappointed with the Jawbone headset.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

it kigs azz
I've tried the treo headset (a loser) and two different sony-erikson's (much better), but the Jawbone is the best.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Down

Noice reduction works, volume TOO low.
The noise reduction seems to work as advertised, but the volume is way to low. I always feel like I'm straining to hear a caller even in a quite location (using a 700wx)
by Anonymous

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Read Merciful by Casey Adolfsson
