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mVisualVoiceMail from TreoCentral Store
by MotionApps
Read Review (Rating 4/5) <<
How does it work?
If you configure mVisualVoiceMail to use POP3 e-mail account, it will filter and download all the voicemail messages you receive on your smartphone as e-mail attachments from your VoIP provider or company PBX and display them in a single list enabling you to select the exact message you want to listen to. Your voicemails will be displayed in an easy to manage list, with all the relevant details about the message: caller name, phone number, date and time the message arrived.
Listening to voice mails using default e-mail clients
If you wish to use any other e-mail application that supports attachments, such as VersaMail, you can use the benefits of mVisualVoiceMail advanced audio player features to listen to your voice messages.
In this case, you will be able to play voice mail messages from any e-mail application that supports attachments.
mVisualVoiceMail includes an industry leading audio player specialized for playing voicemails in a number of industry standard formats. It is a unique player designed with voicemail in mind, capable of decoding audio data generated by commonly used PBXes such as those from Avaya, Cisco or Nortel in G.729, GSM 6.10, G.711 and many other formats that cannot be natively reproduced with Windows Media Player or other audio apps.
Toggle between brief or detailed views of voicemail list and see your messages before you select the ones you wish to hear
Integration with POP3 email server for downloading and listening voicemails
Playing voice mail messages from any application that supports attachments
mVisualVoiceMail is a unique solution in the market, capable of reproducing most industry standard audio formats, straight from your inbox
Advanced audio player for listening to voicemail messages that cannot be played with default media player
Simple, yet powerful playback controls. Jump forward or rewind the voicemail, toggle playback speed, pause playback and more by a simple flick of a finger, keyboard or stylus
As it is integrated with your address book, mVisualVoiceMail enables you to reply to received messages by calling any of the numbers you have stored in your address book, or even to reply with a new e-mail message
Redirect sound output to main speaker, radio speaker or headphones
Permanently store important messages on SD card
Optimized for Palm OS devices
See TreoCentral's extensive review for more infomation...
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