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Propel Professional from TreoCentral Store
Propel Professional
by iambic, Inc.
Read Review (Rating 5/5) <<
Applications View - Lists applications for quick browsing. You can customize this view for different ways to display information that is most useful to you.
Contacts View - Make finding contacts easy. Simply enter a keyword search for the contact and you can call, send email or SMS straight from the list.
Power Mode View - All your applications, contacts, memos, bookmarks and more are aggregated into one view for a comprehensive keyword search.
Favorites - Put most used items into your favorites so they are reachable with a tap of a heart.
SD/ Main Memory Support - Easily add, swap, copy or delete applications from main memory or memory card. Items in memory card are distinguished by a little SD icon.
Beaming - Beam anything. Find the item and tap on the beam icon to send the information.
� Propel Professional features
Launch all items easily - Launch calls, emails, SMS, play mp3, open bookmark right from your menu.
Voice Launch/Voice Dial - Voice launch any application, memo, bookmark or voice dial any contact without the use of hands.
Trash Can Support - Deleted items are stored in your trash can so you can restore them anytime.
� Preferences
Views - Choose how your applications, contacts and power user view will be displayed.
Display - Customize how Propel displays your information with different colors, backgrounds, or font sizes.
Categories - Choose how to file your items. Show or hide different categories or drag and drop applications to rearrange them.
Voice Launching - Add or delete voice commands to activate voice launching capabilities.
Programs to Use - Personalize which programs Propel will use to open your items.
Favorites - Add most-used items to favorites and hide least used for space optimization on your landing page.
See TreoCentral's extensive review for more infomation...
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