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TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 28
For Sept. 17th, 2007
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- Foleo Cancelled! Holy [redacted]!!
- Treo 500v Announced
- A history of a rumor can be gleaned from this story, which was originally pretty close to right based on the Palm Blog Teaser, although was briefly wrong based on some leaks. Finally, though, we had the big leak over on WMExperts.
- Be sure to listen for our thoughts on the Treo 500v (it was probably fairly easy for Palm to develop quickly since it appears to be a "designed to spec" Windows Mobile Standard Edition device). Special thanks to Andrew of Treonauts for his hands-on insight!
- The interface on the Treo 500v is neat, though seems to be primarily developed by Vodafone. See this Palmaddicts video for a nice hands-on (interface starts at 4:15).
- The 4smartphone partnership got lost in the shuffle of the 500v stories.
- Centro: We saw a Centro marketing flyer on Engadget and live shot of the Centro as well. Palm is going to be making an announcement at the Digital Life conference in New York City on Sept 27th. Last year they announced the "consumer" Treo 680. This year, it looks likely they'll announce another new consumer-level Treo Centro.
- Stockholders approve Elevation Deal. Dieter listened in on the stockholder call (full disclosure, neither Dieter nor Mike are stockholders in Palm), which was very straightforward and short. Palm in the corporate news: Sascha Segan thinks they're Palm is still in a bad way, but Morgan Keegan disagrees and expects a banner year.
- Beers' analysis of Palm's corporate history is interesting, though perhaps ultimately flawed. Still, it leads Mike to take a closer look at the new team Palm has put together.
- Ed Colligan has recently said that we should expect it to take 12 to 18 months to see the Linux Treo!
Briefly, there's a new "hot premier headset" that was just reviewed, the Blueant z9, read Jay Gross' Review. Also, the venerable JX10 has been updated, we now have the JX10-II with Multipoint and a sweet car charger, read Andre Kibbe's review
Special thanks to Iron Maiden for inspiration this week.
Thanks to the TreoCentral Store for sponsoring the TreoCast. You can email the TreoCast at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at 800-557-6819 x222.
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