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New Handspring Developer Site
Handspring's Developer pages have been updated with a new design, Treo 600 relevant information, extensive Treo 600 SDK, and a Treo 600 simulator.
The site is organized around three areas: Prepare, Develop, Deploy.
Prepare for your development project quickly. Review the Treo development guide and common questions, and get the training you need on the Palm OS.
Develop your project efficiently. Access Development Documentation, take advantage of our online Treo forums, and find the development resources you need to smoothly take your project from start to finish.
Deploy - Take advantage of Handspring and partner resources to help bring your solution to market. Efficiently communicate to media, channel partners, and customers using a variety of plans focused on one goal: Creating market success for your Treo-based solution.
New Developer Board
Handspring also released a development related discussion board, the Handspring Developers' Community.
"The Handspring Developers'Community brings together Handspring product developers solution, into an online community. Our community allows developers to ask questions, share knowledge and experience, and participate in online Q&A sessions and voice opinions in community polls. This community is open to anyone wanting to create, or learn more about creating new and exciting software for Handspring products."
While TreoCentral has always been a welcome home for developers to learn more about their users and test products out, Handspring appears to be able to offer a much more technical enviroment for them.
Treo 600 SDK & Simulator
See our article Inside the Treo 600 SDK for a look at the Treo 600 SDK and the simulator.