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New Beta of TealOS for Palm OS
Jason over at our sister site reported on the photos circulating of what appeared to be a Centro running on WebOS. Annie let us know that what we were actually seeing was a new app by TealPoint Software called TealOS. Then Andre wrote up a review of the app after downloading it to his Centro. Andre wrote:
..A few days after seeing Palm's webOS debut at CES (yes, after, not before), the TealPoint devs rolled up their sleeves and set out to recreate the webOS experience on the well-aged Palm OS.
The result, TealOS, emulates much of the basic eye candy and user interaction found on the Palm Pre: swipe gestures, card representations of multiple applications, updated icons, and a "wave launcher" callable from within almost any application. But while TealOS mimicks the Pre, there's no true multitasking, no Synergy, no universal search, and of course, none of that lovely hardware we're all dying to get our hands on...
Andre was impressed with TealOS, but concluded:
I'm too used to my hardware button settings to replace my default navigation with TealOS, and I'm too close to replacing my Centro to register this app, but I was very impressed nonetheless. If nothing else, it gives you a way to test drive some of the Pre user experience. But while I wouldn't avoid getting the Pre for the lack of a D-pad, the ability to navigate TealOS with the D-pad is a clear advantage over the "real thing."
Be sure to read his full review.
I just read over at PalmAddicts that there is a new beta of TealOS.
Below are the changes that have been made in version 1.14:
- Version 1.14 - March 5, 2009 Added ability to map any quick launch button to apps screen
- Added ability to map 5th quick launch button to programs
- Added option to disable icon image processing
- Added option to hide launcher button (for super minimal display)
- Added option to show smaller, higher quality cards
- Added option to turn off rounded card corners.
- Added support for tapping on icons a second time to restore normal title text
- Improved card scaling to letterbox square screenshots on rectangular cards
- Improved colors of processed icons
- Improved default settings to find correct phone app on Treo 755p and Treo 680
- Improved screen dragging "rail-snap" to lock axis once movement begins
- Fixed crash bringing menu on text prefs screen
- Fixed force scan function to work even if application screen was previously opened
- Fixed icons to pull correct carrier-customized names
- Fixed support for apps like Quick Tour that launch non-application modules
You can download the beta version 1.14 of TealOS here and give it a whirl. And you can download the program version 1.06 here. You download the trial or buy TealOS for $14.95.