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News: More on the hands-free cell phone law
The celebrity Web site posted two photographs Tuesday showing Maria Shriver, wife of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger holding a phone to her ear while she's behind the wheel. Bad Maria!
A story by Sue Doyle of the Los Angeles Daily News had some interesting tips on covert, in-car cell phone operation from the nation's top experts. A sampling of CHP and local police departments turned up the following illegal and legal methods:
> The hair hide - Conceal cell phone in long locks of hair. Status: Illegal.
> The console lean - Hold phone in right hand and tilt over to center console, giving the appearance of resting head on hand. Status: Illegal.
> The cleavage tuck - Put cell phone on speaker and squeeze the device into cleavage. Status: Legal (no hands).
There you have it. Now forget about it. As Arnold told his wife, "Put the phone down."