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Welcome 2010 -- Bills to Curb Distracted Driving Gain Momentum
In a New Year's day article, Matt Richtel talked about steps being taken to minimize distracted driving in the various states. For example, Kansas in considering banning texting while driving. South Carolina is taking that a step further, pondering whether to prohibit phone use altogether. New Jersey is focusing on the use of GPS devices while the car is moving.
The story notes that four bills are pending in Congress that would push the states to regulate various types of cellphone use by drivers, including banning texting, requiring hands-free devices or prohibiting motorists under the age of 21 from using any devices.
You can't legislate against stupidity. That's been said before. But perhaps the media attention to the matter will help raise awareness. Then again... some may find a way to profit from that very stupidity.
For example, earlier in December, the Times had a story about an iPhone app called Type n Walk that provides the texting pedestrian a view of the street ahead. Seriously!
2010 should shape up to be an interesting year as we see how much the federal and local governments try to "help" us be more aware. You don't need a mandate to do that.