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Three Trends: Wireless Use, Text Use and Desired Apps...
This week, the results from several surveys have hit the news. To start, according to according to preliminary results from the January - June 2009 National Health Interview Survey by the US Centers for Disease Control ( via MarketingCharts), more than one of every five US homes (22.7%) had no landline and only wireless phone service during the first half of 2009, an increase of 2.5 percentage points since the second half of 2008
The study also found that approximately 21.1% of all US adults (about 48 million) lived in households with only wireless telephones; 21.3% of all children (nearly 16 million) lived in households with only wireless telephones. Moreover, one of every seven American homes (14.7%) had a landline but still receives all or almost all of its calls on wireless telephones.
Text Messaging Taking Off.
Apparently, text messaging is taking off in the over 45 crowd. According to new research by mobile messaging company Tekelec, 60% of those over 45 were found to be just as likely to use SMS as they were to make voice calls from their mobile device.
>> International Traction: The survey of 500 people in North America and Europe also found that text messaging is gaining on email as the preferred means of daily international communication, with 32% of responses across all ages preferring SMS, compared to 33% for email.
>> And nearly a third of respondents said their use of SMS would increase in 2010.
>> It's Quicker! More than 80 percent of respondents across all age groups thought they would get a quicker response from a text than from an email or voice message.
Source: MediaPost
Favorite Apps
Lastly, per a recent survey and report from Strategy Analytics, when asked which applications they would most like to access from their mobile phones, cellphone buyers in the US and UK chose Google and Facebook as their top two apps. The 2009 survey found that respondents most often gravitate toward those that are useful and entertaining:
>> Google topped the most-wanted list, followed by Facebook. Each of these sites got "very interested" rankings from more than one-third (35%) of respondents.
>> One in three respondents (30%) are "very interested" in Yahoo, MapQuest and YouTube.
>> One-fourth (25%) of respondents are similarly âvery interestedâ in and iTunes.
>> About 20% of respondents are interested in Wikipedia, Yellow Pages, MySpace and Hulu.
Source: MarketingVox and MarketingCharts
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