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April 1st Foolishness...
April 1st Foolishness...
This has been an especially challenging April Fools Day. PocketNow jumped out with a story titled "PocketNow: Palm to Release Treo 950p Smartphone with Legacy Palm OS." We all seemed to agree that was a "foolish" story.
Another one appeared about Palm having an overclocking patent ("Palm�s Need For Speed � Overclocking Patent"). That was a little trickier to figure out.
Checked the most reliable source I knew, PreCentral, and there was nothing about it. Alas, the answer came in the comments:
The last Foolish news that tripped me up was the word that Verizon was dropping the prices on the Palm Pre Plus and Pixi Plus. this post ("Verizon�s Palm Pre and Pixi Prices Officially INSAAAAAAANE!" by John Paczkowski) got me thinking there might be some truth. I checked on the Verizon website and sure enough, there it was:
So if you have been holding out moving to webOS, now is a great time.
Pre Plus, which debuted on the Verizon network in late January at $149.99, is now available for $49.99. The Pixi Plus has dropped to $29.99 from $99.99. Verizon is also offering a buy one/get one free deal for both devices. Plus, the Mobile Hotspot service, which transforms the smartphones into Mi-Fi-style hotspots, is now FREE.
No kidding.
And if you want to get your fill on what other foolish stories appeared, go here. TechCrunch has a comprehensive list.